Plain language benefits your readers and your business
People have a right to receive clear and understandable information. And businesses need to be efficient - in time and money. Plain language helps achieve all of this!
What’s plain language or plain English?
It’s language that’s written clearly and concisely so the reader only has to read once to understand it.
We use grammar, structure, and clear words and phrases to achieve this. And we avoid jargon and explain technical terms.
It’s not simple language. It’s language that’s carefully crafted to be clear to read – meaning less time and effort to understand it. Because everyone’s looking for more time in their lives, right?!
What’s information design?
It’s designing information! Combine these things and you’ve got it:
Plain language writing
Visual design
User testing - to make sure the information works for the people reading it
A platform that suits – for example, digital or print
See how plain language makes a difference: